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Deine Bestellungen machen es möglich, dass wir zahnärztliche Auslandsfamulaturen mit Instrumenten und Materialien unterstützen können. ❤️
05 Jul,23
We, Sophia Jasmin and Noemi, did our long-awaited internship abroad in Cambodia in March 2023. First of all: we had originally planned a different internship, but it was canceled due to political unrest in the country. Therefore, we looked for...
19 Jun,23
Organization: White sandy beaches, palm trees, countless hours of sunshine and beaming faces after patient marathons – this and much more was made possible for us during our five weeks of internship abroad in Mabuhay in the Philippines. We...
15 Jun,23
Contact/Organization: Dental Aid Project Brazil eV During our studies, we both knew that we definitely wanted to do a joint internship abroad immediately after our exams. So, during the 8th semester, we sat down and found out...
31 May,21
Contact/Organization: Oral Health Foundation Rwanda Hannover Student Council, Hannover Medical School In the East African country of Rwanda, over 60% of children suffer from toothache. For adults, the numbers are even more dramatic due to accidents...
08 Sep,18
In 2017, Kristin Kautsch traveled to Ghana with the organization Dental Volunteers eV. In her internship report, she describes how important it is to coordinate with other participants in the internship and what to look out for with the various...
08 Sep,18
Here we have a new, very interesting report about everyday treatment in Kenya by Kristin Kautsch. In just two weeks she was able to learn a lot about the life, culture and oral health of the people in Kenya. Take...