How much does the dental knowledge test cost? You can find an overview here.

The costs for the dental knowledge test vary from state to state. Basically, the knowledge test according to §§ 104 - 118 of the Licensing Ordinance for Dentists (ZApprO) is divided into a written section, an oral section and a practical section. It is usual for a fee to be charged for each section of the test. If you want to repeat a section of the knowledge test, the fees for this section will apply again. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you practice as much as possible at home. The best way to do this is to rent a phantom head with a table mount and a micromotor. You can then clamp your Frasaco or KaVo model onto it and practice preparation in peace.

In this overview you can see which dental association you have to pay how much for your dental knowledge test:

chamber In written form Oral Practical In total
Baden-Württemberg 400,00 € 1,100.00 € 900,00 € 2,400.00 €
Bavaria 120,00 € 510,00 € 510,00 € 1,140.00 €
Brandenburg 1450,00 € 2,200.00 €
Bremen 1,000.00 €
1,000.00 €
1,000.00 €
3,000.00 €
Lower Saxony 475,00 € 850,00 € 1,600.00 € 2,925.00 €
North Rhine 330,00 € 960,00 € 1,210.00 € 2,500.00 €
Rhineland-Palatinate 1,350.00 €
Saxony-Anhalt 400,00 € 900,00 € 1,100.00 € 2,400.00 €
Schleswig-Holstein 330,00 € 1,325.00 € 1,325.00 € 2,980.00 €
Thuringia 1,550.00 €

Note: All information is provided without guarantee. If you know the examination fees in chamber areas that are not listed here, please let us know via LiveChat or by email to . We will then update this table immediately.

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