Want to prepare for the practical dental knowledge test at home? You really need these materials!

Are you about to take the practical part of the dental knowledge test? Then you've come to the right place! We've put together a list of exactly which dental and dental technology materials you need to be perfectly prepared for the knowledge test and to get your license.

To ensure that you can prepare regularly for the practical exam, you should first rent a Frasaco phantom head and an NSK micromotor . You can also rent this contra-angle piece , which fits the micromotor perfectly and is suitable for all FG shafts ( all diamond grinders ). With this set-up you can get started! And don't worry: the preparation works great even without water cooling!

In the prosthetic part, a crown and a partial crown are usually prepared. These are then molded and provided with a temporary restoration.

For the preparations we recommend our diamond grinders: e.g. a torpedo-shaped diamond grinder for the concave preparation or a cylindrical diamond grinder for the step preparation. You can then take the impression with this award-winning Cavex Cream Alginate and use these impression trays for it.

For the temporary treatment, you first have to take a mold of your preparation using these impression inlays and this silicone . You can then fill them with Luxatemp and work on your temporary with this fine flame-shaped diamond grinder or these discs, for example. You can use these polishers for polishing.

For the preparations in the conservative part you can use the following diamond grinders: a short cylindrical grinder , a flame to dissolve the approximal contact points and a diamond ball for the cavity in the front tooth area. Also very helpful are these classic interdental wedges made of maple wood or these FenderWedges , which directly protect your neighboring tooth. For filling we recommend this etching gel , this primer and this bonding material . It is best to use these brushes to apply each one.

The best way to prepare for the endodontic part of the exam is with this selection of endo teeth from Frasaco . Pay attention to which tooth system your model has and select the teeth accordingly. For trepanning, we recommend this Batt drill or alternatively this slightly conical grinder . For preparing the root canal, you can use this K-file set and this reamer set . This gutta-percha is ideal for filling the root canal afterwards.
If you also want to prepare for the removal of (subgingival) tartar or need the right instruments for the knowledge test, then we recommend these curettes and this scaler from HuFriedy .

So, with this selection you can really get started. We wish you lots of perseverance and much success in your preparation! If you have any questions about these or other materials, please write to us via LiveChat or at info@zahnimarkt.com . 

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