1. What should I consider before ordering Frasaco teeth?

Frasaco offers 3 different tooth systems. These differ in the type of attachment and the shape of the teeth. Your tooth models and the teeth must be from the same system. Each university decides for itself which system can be used. Please always ask your course leader or in higher semesters which tooth system is relevant for you. The 3 tooth systems in comparison:

Dental system Fastening Tooth shape
ANKA-4 Click system Normal
ANA-4 Screw system Normal
AG-3 Screw system Small, youthful,

The ANKA-4 teeth are suitable for the Frasaco model ANKA-4 and are attached to the model using a click system. With the click system, you can click the teeth into your Frasaco model. The screws therefore always remain in the teeth.

The ANA-4 teeth are suitable for the Frasaco model ANA-4 and are attached to the model using a screw system. With the screw system, you have to screw the teeth into and out of your Frasaco model.

The AG-3 teeth are suitable for the Frasaco model AG-3 and are attached to the model using a screw system. With the screw system, you have to screw the teeth in and out of your Frasaco model. The AG-3 teeth are modeled on the teeth of a young person with abrasion-free chewing surfaces and are smaller than ANKA-4 and ANA-4 teeth.

2. Which system is used at my university?

We have created the following table based on all previous orders and on the material lists we have. The table is intended to serve as a guide. We cannot guarantee its accuracy 100%. [Found an error? Please write to us at info@zahnimarkt.com .]

Universities Dental systems
Aachen ANKA-4
Berlin ANA-4 and AG-3
Bonn ANKA-4
Dresden ANA-4
Dusseldorf ANKA-4 and AG-3
Erlangen-Nuremberg ANA-4
Frankfurt ANA-4
Freiburg ANKA-4
Pour ANA-4
Goettingen ANKA-4
Greifswald AG-3
Hall ANA-4
Hamburg ANA-4 and AG-3
Hanover ANA-4
Heidelberg ANA-4 and ANKA-4
Homburg ANA-4
Jena - (KaVo system)
Kiel - (KaVo system)
Cologne ANKA-4, ANA-4 (and possibly AG-3)
Leipzig ? (Probably ANA-4 )
Mainz ANA-4
Marburg ANA-4
Munich AG-3
Muenster ANA-4
regensburg AG-3
Rostock ?
Tuebingen ANA-4
Ulm ANA-4
Witten ANKA-4
Wurzburg AG-3

3. Which gingiva is the right one?

Gingival Meaning
with V" Simplified gingival:
e.g. less pronounced papillae
without "V" Realistic gingivia:
e.g. pronounced papillae